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Creates n_sim null models by permutation of the original pattern and calculates distances between all object of a pattern closer than max_dist and determines the fractions of the perimeter of buffers with distance dist inside the study area (needed for edge correction).


  n_sim = 199,
  max_tries = 1e+05,
  save_pattern = FALSE,
  verbose = FALSE


area, pattern

Geodata (polygons) of study area and pattern in the formats WKB (well known binary, list of raw vectors), WKT (well known text) or sf-objects if package sf is available. Via sf all file formats supported by GDAL/OGR are possible.


Maximum distance measured in the pattern. Usually smaller than half the diameter of the study area.


Number of simulated patterns (randomizations) to be generated for computing the envelope and correcting the biased empirical pcf. Determines together with n_rank in dists2pcf() the alpha level of the envelope. If alpha and n_rank are fix, n_sim can be calculated by (n_rank*2/alpha)-1 for instance (5*2/0.05)-1 = 199.


How often shall a relocation of an object be tried while randomizing the pattern.


Shall one simulated pattern be returned in the attributes for debugging/later inspections. The pattern is provided as WKB (list of raw vectors) in the attribute randPattern.


Provide progress information in the console. Roman numerals (x: 10, C: 100, D: 500, M: 1000) indicate the progress of the simulation and 'e' denotes the empirical PCF.


An object of class dists. If save_pattern = TRUE an additional attribute randPattern is returned containing a WKB (list of raw vectors).


Null models are created by randomly rotating and randomly placing all objects within the study area without overlap. They are used for correcting the biased pcf and constructing a pointwise critical envelope (cf. Nuske et al. 2009).

Measuring distances between objects and permutation of the pattern is done using GEOS.


Nuske, R.S., Sprauer, S. and Saborowski, J. (2009): Adapting the pair-correlation function for analysing the spatial distribution of canopy gaps. Forest Ecology and Management, 259(1): 107–116.


# it's advised against setting n_sim < 199
ds <- pat2dists(area=sim_area, pattern=sim_pat_reg, max_dist=25, n_sim=3)

# verbose and returns one randomized pattern for debugging
ds_plus <- pat2dists(area=sim_area, pattern=sim_pat_reg, max_dist=5, n_sim=3,
                     verbose=TRUE, save_pattern=TRUE)
#> dists: e

if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
  # wk's plot function needs additional package 'vctrs'
  plot(attr(ds_plus, "randPattern"))
} # }