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The method vonWilpert is based on von Wilpert (1990). It was originally developed for "Picea abies" in the Black Forest but is commonly used for all tree species throughout Germany. As usual, the rules regarding the soilmatrix are neglected in this implementation.


Orthodox are 3 criteria: short day, temperature and drought criterion we consider -as usual- only short day and temperature citerion

Temperature criterion:

  • 7 day moving average of daily mean temperatures at least 5 consecutive days under 10°C

  • if afterwards more than 5 consecutive days 7 day moving average over 10°C vegetation period gets restarted

Short day criterion

  • last day of the vegetation period is DOY 279 (5th of October in leap years)


von Wilpert, K. (1990) Die Jahrringstruktur von Fichten in Abhängigkeit vom Bodenwasserhaushalt auf Pseudogley und Parabraunerde: Ein Methodenkonzept zur Erfassung standortsspezifischer Wasserstreßdispostion. Freiburger Bodenkundliche Abhandlungen. Pages 106--108.